Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Derpina went from being "single" to "it's compicated."

     I curse the day Mark Zuckerberg decided it was a good idea to add, "It's complicated," to the list of Facebook relationship options. What does that even mean? You're still sleeping with your ex? You're gay and started dating a boy but you haven't really come out of the closet yet? You've fallen in love with an otter, and are having relations with the otter, but the otter can't really consent, so it isn't "official?" What does it mean to be in a complicated relationship?
     My personal favorite is, "Well, I like him a lot. And he likes me too. We've been seeing each other a lot. We just don't want to be in a relationship right now.... it's complicated." HOW does that even make sense? That is complicated. But it's complicated because Derp and Derpina made it complicated.

     "Well, see, it's complicated because he's my ex. And I want to get back together, and he does too... just not right now. So we're just talking and hanging out." I've been here. And let me just say, it is not where you want to be. You broke up for a reason. If you couldn't make it work out when you were together, what makes you think you can fix it when you're not together. Just leave it alone, and move on. >>>>> I suppose there are exceptions to this... IE maturity levels were too different... got back in touch later.. still a spark... let's take two? I'll buy that. <<<<

     What I'm really trying to get at with this blog is that love and relationships don't need to be complicated. Love should be the best and easiest part of your life. If you like each other, be with each other. It is that simple. If you're at a point where you don't know what you want, fine. But don't drag somebody along to be around once you've figured it out. That isn't fair.

     Love is easy. And if it's not, maybe you're in love with the wrong person. If your relationship causes you more stress than your midterms or your work schedule, something is wrong. You should figure out what about it stresses you out, and assess weather it can or cannot be fixed. If it can, talk to your partner. If it can't, stop wasting your time and emotion on something that hurts you. Move on. Easier said than done, I know. But it will be better for you in the long run.

    So if you're Facebook relationship status says, "it's complicated," and his doesn't, you need to take a step back, and look at your life.

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